State Visit

1907 – Norwegian State Visit to France – Day 3

On this 3rd day of the visit King Haakon and Queen Maud were able to see the Palace of Versailles first hand. They were guided around by the curator and luncheon was also served in one of the grand rooms of the palace. After the meal they were taken around the wonderful parks of the Palace. Furthermore they were the guests of honours at a glittering gala dinner hosted by the French Minister for Foreign Affairs and his wife at the Ministery of Foreign Affairs. Many of the guests at the dinner were members of the diplomatic corps station in France. The dinner was followed by a soirée.

To read more about the third day of the visit, just press the button below. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

State Visit

1907 – Norwegian State Visit to France – Day 2

Their Majesties King Haakon VII and Queen Maud had a very busy second day during their 1907 visit to France. It was not like the visits they had previously made to close family in Denmark and the United Kingdom. This visit only lasted for three days and it was the wish to press as much as possible into the three days as possible of public events. So not a lot of hunting or remaining put in the palace. From early morning to late in the evening the Royal Couple were taken around to see sights and to meet people. But the enthusiastic reception they received must have given them quite a boost of both pride and energy.

The second day ended with a splendid Gala Performance at the Opera.

To read more about it, please hit the button below. As always, if you want to leave a comment you are more than welcome to do so.

State Visit

1907 – Norwegian State Visit to France – Orders

Also during HM King Haakon VII’s State Visit to France in 1907 Norwegian orders were distributed among those who had been involved in making the State Visit a success. The French President, Mr Fallières had already received his Grand Cross with Collar of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav in 1906, but there were many other French officials who received their honours during this visit.

To see the names of most of them, just press the button below and you should be taken to the site where there is a list.

State Visit

1907 – Norwegian State Visit to France – Day 1

King Haakon VII’s fourth State Visit went to France, another important European power. This time the visit went to a republic, but that did not mean any less grandeur. And since this time the King and Queen were not visiting close family most of the time was spent attending public events. This was the first time they would travel this far without bring their son, Crown Prince Olav. But reading about the journey down to France it was probably understandable why they decided to leave the Crown Prince behind. It must have been a very exhausting journey without also having to worry about him.

The reception in Paris when they arrived must have been quite the spectacle with a grand procession through the streets of the French capital. And to end that first day President Fallières and his wife hosted a glittering State Banquet at the Élysée Palace.

State Visit

1908 – French State Visit to Norway

King Haakon VII during his long reign did not receive that many State Visits as his son did during his reign. The fact that King Haakon reigned during the periods of both World Wars play a large part in this. In the beginning of his reign though, as Norway was a young nation, he did receive visits from both the neighbouring countries as well as from larger European states. One such visit was in 1908 when the French President made a tour of the northern European countries.